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New year, new attitude, new me.

I have never been one to make resolutions for the new year. I have always felt the if you want to make a change in your life that you should just make it and not wait for a specific time of year to start. This being said, I have sort of made some resolutions for the year. I like the time frame of a year to meet these goals, it just so happens that the motivation to change things hit me around the beginning of the new year.

First, I would like to get fit. Notice I did not say lose weight. I am in no way unhappy with the number on the scale, but if I lose a few pounds in the process I will not be upset. I mostly just want to get moving more and tone my body. At the moment my fitness level is minimal. I work retail, so I get a lot of walking in on the days that I work (minimum of 4 hours a day for 4 or more days a week). On top of the walking I have started doing some beginner Pilates and yoga. I chose these because of the ability to gain some flexibility and the stretching that comes along with them always feels nice. Another thing that I would like to start this year is running. This activity will wait until I am feeling a bit more fit and the nicer weather that comes with summer in Alaska. Running will be especially challenging for me since I have asthma and a messed up knee, but I will do what I can and listen to my body.

Next I would like to work on my sleep schedule. There has already been some improvement. In the past week I have been asleep before 3AM more often than after 6AM. My goal is to be asleep by 1AM every night and wake by 9AM. Currently I am waking anywhere between 10AM and Noon, which is much better than my previous 2PM wake time. I would like to get to the point where  it is just something that my body does naturally and I no longer need an alarm clock.

Another thing that I would like to work on this year is being more independent. I have social anxiety. Large crowds, too much noise, even the thought of crossing the street freak me out. I want to really push myself to do some things on my own. In the past year I can only remember a few times that I have left my house without Matt being there. Part of this if me not being comfortable driving his car, but there have been times that I wouldn’t even go to the bank across the street by myself. I know this is all foreign to him and he doesn’t really understand it. It is a lot for him to take on and put up with. I no longer want anxiety to be a large part of my life like it has been in the past.

Part of all of this is having a new attitude towards life in general. I don’t want to sit around and just exist, I want to LIVE. I want to enjoy every day that is given to me and be a happier, nicer person.

What are you doing to better yourself this year? Have you made a progress?

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